The BGB Bulletin

Welcome To Blue Grass Bend!

Written by Ann Spies | Nov 12, 2023 1:00:00 PM

We’re glad you’re here! We are also grateful that WE made it here, too,...exactly two years ago. On November 12th, 2021, we became owners of our five acre dream property in Blue Grass, IA. We were filled with excitement, nerves, and a sense of responsibility to be good stewards of the land. It’s been a gift of adventure, lessons, laughter and finding peace in an otherwise face-paced, busy world.

Our little homestead began as a dream we never thought would actually ever happen. We always loved the idea of farmland, going back to our roots, and the feeling of accomplishment after a hard day’s work. Despite the drive to be in this setting, one turn after another on life’s path kept us from pursuing it. 

We found what would come to be “Blue Grass Bend” kind of by accident. On a sunny Sunday afternoon in October 2021, Corry and I went for a relaxing country drive (pictured). We headed toward Blue Grass, Corry’s hometown. It was very much a homecoming of its own for Corry and I; it was only eight short years prior when we had lived in Blue Grass. We raised our young family from birth through childhood here and have incredible memories from that time. This particular afternoon, driving south of town, just before a “bend” in the road,...was an “Open House” sign. We stopped.

The front pasture beckoned us. The open views of the countryside surrounded us. All of the (once thought to be unrealistic) dreams of gardening, having our horse where we live, raising livestock, having fresh eggs every morning, a legitimate reason to own a tractor (Corry’s dream) and more,...all came flooding into our minds and hearts. It didn’t take long before Corry and I knew,...this was happening. A few weeks later, on November 12th, 2021, we officially closed on Blue Grass Bend and our dreams became reality!

So, that, in a nutshell, is how we got here. What followed was a long list of adventures; future plans, present learning, and,...most important,...past generations where the roots of agriculture, gardening, produce stands and home-cooking are remembered and honored.  An adventure we have claimed as the “Blue Grass Bend”, an ode to the drive around the bend that brought us to our now home. 

All of the lessons learned, and those to come, we hope to share with you.